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Disclaimer: Please note that the links provided below are auto-generated by product search criteria. Several links may appear for a single item search depending on Amazon's classification criteria. Please check product details to confirm you are ordering a unit with the above listed features. American Regatta can not guarantee compatability or correct item classification by online resellers.
Garmin Handheld GPS
American Regatta and Kattack GPS Requirements:
- Garmin (recommended)
- USB dataport (Required)
- Handheld (memory cards may work, but require a card reader)
- Waterproof
- WAAS Capability (+/- 3 meters accuracy)
- We Recommends the Garmin eTrex Venture HC
Garmin |
Garmin |
Garmin |
Garmin |
Garmin |
Garmin |
Rechargeable Batteries
Rechargable batteries work well with the handheld GPS units. They last about 24 hours of opperation.
American Regatta recommends the following batteries be used with your GPS:
- Maha Energy Powerex AA Nimh batteries of 2500 mAh or 2700 mAh capacity
- These rechargeable batteries work well with the eTrex GPS units. They last about 24 hours of operation.
Powerex AA 2700mAh NiMH Rechargeable |
GPS Cases
- A variety of mounting options work well. Hard cases, soft cases, and even cell phone mounting devices can work well depending on the location.
- A clear view of the sky allows for accurate data reception.
- The spinnaker bag pocket may work, but reception could be reduced.
- Mounted in a secure and safe location.
- Below are recomendations that work well with Garmin handheld units that American Regatta recommends;Pelican 1010 Micro Case.
- These cases work well with the eTrex GPS units.